Therapy Resources CPD Hub
Therapy Resources CPD Hub

Therapy Resources CPD Hub

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Best Practice
A Brief Overview of Canine Aggression

Geoff Sharp MIRVAP(VP)

Right Side Up! Or the righting reflex in cats
Right Side Up! Or the righting reflex in cats

Jo Scott; IRVAP Affiliate

Canine referral paperwork – getting the right patient information
Canine referral paperwork – getting the right patient information

Sarah Brick; MIRVAP(VP)(ICH)

Puppies + Hydrotherapy
Puppies + Hydrotherapy

Maria Johnston; FIRVAP(VP)(ICH) Active Balance, Leicestershire

Canine Pain Management Strategies
Canine Pain Management Strategies

Avril Coleman; MIRVAP(VP)(ICH) Animo Rehabilitation Centre, Kent

Anatomy + Biomechanics
Anatomy + Biomechanics

Dr Richard Payne; IRVAP Hon Fellow Course Lead MSc Veterinary Physiotherapy Nottingham Veterinary School of Medicine & Science

Conditions + Cases
An Exotic Approach
An Exotic Approach

Jo Scott; IRVAP Affiliate

Canine Hip Dysplasia
Canine Hip Dysplasia

Hawskmoor Team, Hawksmoor Hydrotherapy, Leicestershire

Canine CCL Disease Case Study
Canine CCL Disease Case Study

Susanne Pender; MIRVAP(VP)(ICH) Paws4Rehab, Surrey

Cervical Abnormalities in Equine Patients
Cervical Abnormalities in Equine Patients

Gaby Kerfoot; FIRVAP(VP) GKVP, Cheshire

A Brief Overview of Laser Wavelengths

Geoff Sharp MIRVAP(VP)

Common Injuries in Working Sheepdogs
Common Injuries in Working Sheepdogs

Sarah Ward; MIRVAP(VP)(ICH)

Canine Movement Enrichment Techniques
Canine Movement Enrichment Techniques

Barbara Houlding, FIRVAP(VP)(ICH) IRVAP / ICH Chair

Equine Hydrotherapy
Equine Hydrotherapy

Grainne Ni Chaba-Byrne; MIRVAP(VP)

Equipment Info
Stance Analysis – Tool for Early Lameness Detection
Stance Analysis – Tool for Early Lameness Detection

Georgina MacPhail, Companion Animal Health

Equine Massage Therapy Pad
Equine Massage Therapy Pad

Vicky Boakes, Equilibrium Products

Cruciate Ligament Disease & the Role of the Balto Knee Brace
Cruciate Ligament Disease & the Role of the Balto Knee Brace

Cheryl Corral; MRCVS, MIRVAP(VP)(ICH)

Hydrotherapy Water Management
Hydrotherapy Water Management

Mitchell Loach, TEST Ltd

Companion Therapy Lasers
Companion Therapy Lasers

Georgina MacPhail, Companion Animal Health

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